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In Press

Petursdottir, A. I. (in press). Maybe we are, but . . .: Occasion setting in intraverbal behavior. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews.

Petursdottir, A. I. (in press). The importance of basic and translational language research. In J. C. Vladescu & A. N. Kisamore (Eds.), Promoting Language for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide for Applied Behavior Analysis Practitioners. Routledge.

Tomlinson, G. M., Oliveira, J. S. C. D., Reinhardt, G., & Petursdottir, A. I. (in press). Establishment and maintenance of stimulus classes following equivalence-based and comprehensive training. The Psychological Record.


Thakore, A., Petursdottir, A. I., Ho, C., & Mireles, M. (2025). Using object imitation to establish auditory-visual conditional discriminations in children diagnosed with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 40(2), e70009.


McGee, R. E., Roberts, C. R., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2024). Effects of instructed visual imagining on emergent conditional discriminations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 122(2), 182-194. 

Nicoladis, E., Petursdottir, A. I., & Sturdy, C. B. (2024). Behaviorism and language acquisition. In Reference Module in Social Sciences. Elsevier. 

Petursdottir, A. I. (2024). To dismantle or not to dismantle: Components of derived relational responding.The Psychological Record, 74(4), 367-381. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2024). Verbal behavior: From the laboratory to the field and back. In Roane, H., Craig, A., Ringdahl, J., & Saini (Eds.), Behavior Analysis: Translational Perspectives and Clinical Practice (pp. 372-391). Guilford.

Thakore, A., Kelly, A., Petursdottir, A. I., & Stockdale, M. (2024). Evaluation of a treatment package for chronic, stereotypic hand mouthing of a child diagnosed with autism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 17(3), 915-920.  


Oliveira, J. S. C., Cox, R. E., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2023). Summation in convergent control over selection-based verbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. Advance online publication,

Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2023). Revisiting topography-based and selection-based verbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 39(2), 169-189.

Petursdottir, A. I., & Nicoladis, E. (2023). Explaining first language acquisition in terms of basic behavioral processes: Introduction to the special section. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 46(3-4), 515-519.

Petursdottir, A. I., & Oliveira, J. S. C. (2023). Teaching foreign language. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis: Integrating Research into Practice (pp. 1059-1076). Springer.   


Devine, B., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2022). Exploring effects of differential observing responses on vocal tact acquisition. Behavioral Interventions, 37, 29-42,

Thakore, A., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2022). Acquisition and generalization of divergent intraverbal responses in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Behavioral Interventions, 37, 105-122.


Cox, R. E., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2021). Training sequence effects on emergent conditional discriminations: Replication and extension to selection-based training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 116, 208-224. 

McIlvane, W. J., Iversen, I. H., Lattal, K. A., Lionello-DeNolf, K. M., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2021). An appreciation of Murray Sidman’s science and his impact. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 115(1), 4-12.

Miguel, C. F., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2021). In memoriam: Jack Michael (1926-2020). Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 116(1), 124-127.

Miller, A. C., *Cox, R. E., Swensson, R. M., Oliveira, J. S. C. D., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2021). Effects of blocking echoic responses on tact emergence following stimulus pairing. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 22(2), 213-225.

Oliveira, J. S. C. D., Freitas, L., Tomlinson, G. M., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2021). Translational evaluation of training structures in equivalence-based instruction. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 115(1), 393-404.

Petursdottir, A. I., & Miguel, C. F. (2021). Jack Michael the teacher (1926-2020). Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(3), 844-848.


Gee, P. A., Schneider, K. A., Devine, B., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2020). Effects of error-contingent prompts depend on temporal arrangement of stimuli in symbolic matching to sample. Journal of Behavioral Education, 29, 657-674. 

Ingvarsson, E. T., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2020). Stimulus control. In Hupp, S., & Jewell, J. D. (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development. Wiley-Blackwell.

Petursdottir, A. I., Neaves, S., & Thomas, O. (2020). Emergent tact control following stimulus pairing: Comparison of procedural variations. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 36(2), 193-214. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Oliveira, J. S. C. D. (2020). Efficiency of equivalence-based instruction: A laboratory evaluation. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 114(1), 87-105. 


Petursdottir, A. I., Cox, R. E., McKeon, C. A., &  Mellor, J. R. (2019). Baseline training sequence affects speed of emergent conditional discriminations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 112, 60-73. 

Petursdottir, A. I. (2019). Downstream effects of redefining MOs: Commentary on Edwards et al. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 112, 37-40. 


LeBlanc, L. A., Nosik, M. R., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2018). Establishing consumer protections for research in human service agencies. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11, 445-455. 

Petursdottir, A. I. (2018). The current status of the experimental analysis of verbal behavior. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 18, 151-168. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Carr, J. E. (2018). Applying the taxonomy of validity threats from mainstream research design to single-case experiments in applied behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11, 221-240. 

Schneider, K. A., *Devine, B., **Aguilar, G., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2018). Stimulus presentation order in receptive identification tasks: A systematic replication. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51, 634-646. 


Lepper, T. L., Devine, B., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2017). Application of a lag contingency to reduce perseveration on circumscribed interests. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 20, 313-316.

Lepper, T. L., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2017). Effects of response-contingent stimulus pairing on vocalizations of nonverbal children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 50, 756-774.   

Petursdottir, A. I., & Devine, B. (2017). The impact of Verbal Behavior on the scholarly literature from 2005 to 2016. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 33, 212-228. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Mellor, J. R. (2017). Reinforcement contingencies in language acquisition: Implications for language intervention. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4, 25-32. 


Devine, B., Carp, C. L., Hiett, K. A., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2016). Emergence of intraverbal responding following tact instruction with compound stimuli. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 32, 154-170.

Ingvarsson, E. T., Kramer, R. L., Carp, C. L., Petursdottir, A. I., & Macias, H. (2016). Evaluation of a blocked-trials procedure to establish complex stimulus control over intraverbal responses in children with autism.  The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 32, 205-224. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Aguilar, G. (2016). Order of stimulus presentation influences children’s acquisition in receptive identification tasks. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 49, 58-68. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Devine, B. (2016). Verbal behavior. In H. L. Miller (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology (pp. 952-954). Sage Publications. 


Carp, C. L., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2015). Intraverbal naming and equivalence class formation in children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 104, 223-240. 

Carp, C. L.,  Peterson, S. P., Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2015). Preliminary evaluation of an echoic response requirement following errors during auditory-visual conditional discrimination training. International Journal of Behavior Analysis & Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1, 1-12.

Gamba, J., Goyos, C., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2015). The functional independence of mands and tacts: Has it been demonstrated empirically? The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 31, 39-58. 

Petursdottir, A. I., Carp, C. L., Peterson, S. P., & Lepper, T. L. (2015). Emergence of visual-visual conditional discriminations following intraverbal training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103, 332-348. 

Petursdottir, A. I., & Lepper, T. L. (2015). Inducing novel vocalizations by conditioning speech sounds as reinforcers. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 8, 223-232. 


Petursdottir, A. I., Lepper, T. L., & Peterson, S. P. (2014). Effects of collateral response requirements and exemplar training on listener training outcomes in children. The Psychological Record, 64, 703-717.

Lepper, T. L., Petursdottir, A. I., & Esch, B. E. (2013). Effects of an operant discrimination training procedure on the vocalizations of nonverbal children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36, 656-661.

Carp, C. L., Peterson, S. P., Arkel, A. J., Petursdottir, A. I., & Ingvarsson, E. T. (2012). A further evaluation of picture prompts during auditory-visual conditional discrimination training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45, 737-751.

Carp, C. L., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2012). Effects of two training conditions on the emergence of novel intraverbals: An extension of Pérez-González et al. (2008). The Psychological Record, 62, 187-206.

Peterson, S. P., Petursdottir, A. I., & **Kirk, C. L. (2012). Early response distribution and outcomes of response restriction analyses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45, 631-636.

Petursdottir, A. I. (2012). Quantitative analysis and effective behavior. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 13, 243-245.

Petursdottir, A. I., Carp, C. L., Matthies, D. W., & Esch, B. E. (2011). Analyzing stimulus-stimulus pairing effects on preferences for speech sounds. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 27, 45-60.

Petursdottir, A. I., & Carr, J. E. (2011). A review of recommendations for sequencing receptive and expressive language instruction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 859-876.

Esch, J. W., Esch, B. E., McCart, J. D., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2010). An assessment of self-echoic behavior in young children. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 26, 3-13.

Petursdottir, A. I., Esch, J. W., Sautter, R. A., & Stewart, K. K. (2010). Characteristics and hypothesized functions of challenging behavior in a community-based sample. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45, 81-93.

Love, J. S., Carr, J. E., Almason, S. M., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2009). Early and intensive behavioral intervention for autism: A survey of clinical practices. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3, 421-428.

Miguel, C. F., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2009). Naming and frames of coordination. In R. A. Rehfeldt, & Y. Barnes-Holmes (Eds.), Derived Relational Responding: Implications for Learners with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (pp. 129-148). New Harbinger.

Petursdottir, A. I., & Hafliðadóttir, R. D. (2009). A comparison of four strategies for teaching a small foreign-language vocabulary.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 685-690.

Petursdottir, A. I., Peterson, S. P., & Peters, A. C. (2009). A quarter century of The Analysis of Verbal Behavior: An analysis of impact. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 25, 109-121.

Shabani, B. D., Carr, J. E., & Petursdottir, A. I. (2009).  A laboratory model for studying response-class hierarchies. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 105-121.

Miguel, C. F., Petursdottir, A. I., Carr, J. E., & Michael, J. (2008). The role of naming in stimulus categorization by preschool children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 89, 383-405.

Petursdottir, A. I., Carr, J. E., Lechago, S. A., & Almason, S. M. (2008). An evaluation of intraverbal training and listener training for teaching categorization skills. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 41, 53-68.

Petursdottir, A. I. , Ólafsdóttir, A. R., & Aradóttir, B. (2008). The effects of tact training and listener training on the emergence of bidirectional intraverbal relations.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 41, 411-415.

Petursdottir, A. I., Carr, J. E., & Michael, J. (2005). Emergence of mands and tacts of novel objects among preschool children. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 21, 59-74.

Miguel, C. F., Petursdottir, A. I., & Carr, J. E. (2005). The effects of multiple-tact and receptive-discrimination training on the acquisition of intraverbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 21, 27-41.

Shabani, B. D., Carr, J. E., Petursdottir, A. I., Esch, B. E., & Gillett, J. N. (2004). Scholarly productivity in behavior analysis: The most prolific authors and institutions from 1992 to 2001. The Behavior Analyst Today, 5, 25-43.